Your Fitness Journeys: Sherri
/It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight.
These words are often used to pump people up. Sherri Pipkin, of North Bend, said it's the song that played loudly in the front of her house as she finished her evening bike ride last Monday.
"You know that song, Eye of the Tiger?" Pipkin asked. "They had it blasting. In the driveway, jumping up and down. I was just blown away by that."
Pipkin visits Mt Si Sports + Fitness every weekday morning at 5 a.m. on the dot.
"Everybody's asleep," Pipkin said, "that's my time. For me, this is like my antidepressant."
Motivated by her family and driven by tenacity, Pipkin said she got serious about her health four years ago, when she quit smoking cigarettes. Last Christmas, she received a fitness tracker as a gift. Since January, she has challenged herself to surpass the amount of steps taken by her friends and family.
"It keeps me motivated. You see somebody and it's like 'oh they're getting ahead of me. I gotta go for a walk or for a bike ride.'"
Pipkin said she's constantly working on ways to up her fitness. She used to settle with one session in the gym per day, but said she continually ups the ante with added exercise daily.
"I'm also raising my granddaughter right now, so I've got to be in tip-top shape for her. Those are things that motivate me. My family."
Sherri Pipkin sits on the Precor bicycle for her daily, early-morning workout at Mt Si Sports.